Christian Web Hosting, Design & Domain Registration

Impact the world without sacrificing quality, security or service.


Website Hosting revolves around Service and Security, not numbers.

We’re focused on customer satisfaction, reliability, and quality. There’s so much that goes into our services that cheap hosts cannot match. We would have to remove many value and security benefits to lower ourselves to their level. Nobody would be the wiser — until something went wrong. Numbers like disk space, bandwidth, email boxes tell the cheap-half the story.

If you’re looking for complete solutions for your internet marketing needs, we can help your business, organization or personal website get online today. Contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

SAFE: Account Backups

Daily, weekly, monthly, on site and off network for true disaster recovery.


SECURE: Protecting your data

24/7 Monitoring, Firewall protection, Redundant mirrored hard drives with fail-over technology, FREE SSL Certificates.


99.9% Uptime, high speed processors, ample RAM, redundant connections to the internet via top name backbone providers.

PERFORMANCE: No overselling

We add new servers when ours reach 50% capacity of disk space or CPU usage.

PERSONAL: North American Support

Primary support offices in North America with quick, helpful and caring responses. Typically less than an hour.


REAL HELP, Free Consultations

Not a client? Want help? No problem. We’re happy to provide direction on how to achieve your goals.

HIGH VALUE starting at less that $10/mo. provides your business or organization with world class web hosting services to meet any budget.


Every ticket is reviewed by management to make sure clients get the answers they need.

GUARANTEE: 30-Day Money Back

All Packages Include: 30-day money back guarantee on hosting