WordPress Maintenance and Update Services
Keeping WordPress up to date is as important as keeping your website up to date. With our WordPress Maintenance service our staff will keep your software (WordPress, plugins, themes) up-to-date with the latest version. This is one of the best assurances that your site is secure. The updates are managed by an actual person who will handle the process for you. We will monitor the software daily and update software within two-weeks of release (often much quicker). We will install a security and firewall system that will not only scan for malware, it will keep hackers at bay and lock them out when they attempt to hack your site.
Peace of mind is only $8.99 per month when paid annually or $12 per month.

Scope of Services
In short: We’ll make every effort to keep your software up to date and running smoothly.
INCLUDED: In addition to our regular Terms Of Service the following applies for clients paying for our WordPress Maintenance service.
- FREE SSL CERTIFICATE ($49.95 value) installed on your account to encrypt all communications with your website.
- Making recommendations as we recognize any issues that will help you keep your site running smoothly.
- Monitor your software (WordPress/Plugins/Themes) to make sure it’s up to date within a 2 week window.
- Update your software including WordPress, Plugins and Themes.
- Reporting of errors that occur while updating if we cannot resolve them ourselves.
- A visual confirmation that your home page appears to be coming up properly.
- Best effort resolve any issues that cause your site to go down due to the update service.
- Use available backups to restore the account if a problem should occur that causes your site to fail.
- Install, set up and configure WordFence security firewall (free version) with the recommended settings.
- Prevent search engines from spidering private sections of your site.
- You know your business and you know how you want to project your message to your customers. Developing your website is critical and typically entails unique coding, customization of plugins and data creation/management. Our team understands how important this process is to your success and can advise your development team. However, coding, debugging code, website design/development, search engine optimization (SEO) and plugin customization are outside the scope of support.
- Guarantee that your site will not be hacked. If your site is hacked beyond our ability to resolve it, we recommend the website repair service provided by Wordfence.com.
- Guarantee that we will be able to fix your site if it breaks beyond our control.
- Updates for any software that requires subscription to third party (financial or otherwise) to make an update.
With third-party software, plugins and themes, our experts only provide “best effort” support. However, on a time available basis, our team can analyze logs and other errors and advise on the best course of action and alternate solutions. While we will be happy to consult on these issues, modifying or developing code is best handled by your development team. Plugins and themes are supported directly via the WordPress.org forums. In all cases, our experts will be glad to recommend plugins and themes that are supported by best practices and can be integrated into our platforms.
As your partner, we ensure the data center infrastructure, platform hardware and software are up-to-date and secure. Upon request, we can also consult with you and your developers on how you can secure your individual sites. However, due to the customization and unique development, you create for each website, individual site security is ultimately your responsibility.
Reimbursement of expenses or losses is limited to the annual fee paid for WordPress Maintenance service.